Monday, October 31, 2011

Minitube 1.6-Desktop client for YouTube

*Minitube* is a YouTube desktop client which allows you to surf and watch
YouTube on your desktop. When you install Minitube, all you have is a
*desktop client with a large search box*. Type in your search term and
Minitube will *suggest some predictions* for you to try. Results are returned
instantly and you can view videos normally as you would in YouTube. There's
not much more to it than that though. There's *no way to view comments and
there's no way to download clips* which would have been a welcome add-on to
the interface. The idea is to create a more TV like experience but YouTube is
different to TV and you cannot help but feel is takes away functionality from
the site. I also experienced frequent freezing and hanging while watching
videos. *If you don't have access to a web browser or just want to watch
YouTube videos without all the extras, Minitube might be just for
you.*Download *Minitube 1.6* in Softonic