*Peacock Color Picker* is a complete color picking tool with which you can
select any color on your screen and obtain the correspondent code in several
different programming languages and systems: Delphi, HTML, Java, RGB, Visual
Basic and more. Peacock Color Picker works in a slightly different way from
other similar tools: instead of selecting the color right on your screen by
means of a special cursor, Peacock Color Picker captures a given area of the
screen and selects the color only from this area. I personally prefer the
first method, which is easier and faster. Also, the capturing tool doesn't
show capturing boundaries too clearly, so you don't really know what you're
going to get. The program also enables you to open a given photo and select
colors from it, although the image is displayed in such a small window that
you can't really work with it. Plus, Peacock Color Picker features the
possibility to build several different color palettes, but unfortunately you
can't add screen colors to them (only Windows palette ones). *Peacock Color
Picker - a color picker with support for different color formats and codes,
customizable palettes and more.*Download *Peacock Color Picker 3.11* in