*All My Books* is a complete book organizer with which you can easily create
and manage a database with books in any format – *paper, ebook* or
*audiobook*. Each book entry in All My Books features all the information you
need about it, from the cover to the year of publication, including also
author, summary, genre, rating and ISBN. All this information can be
conveniently extracted from several online resources, such as Amazon, Barnes
and Noble, Powells and Bol. All My Books includes many other tools that make
it a great app to manage your books. You can track loans, see statistics
about your favorite genres, export a list of your books to various formats,
and password protect the database, among other tasks. On the downside, All My
Books is not as ebook-ready as other book managers we've tried, such as
*Calibre*. It doesn't let you import whole folders and doesn't have
support for ebook readers. *Manage your complete book collection (paper,
ebook and audiobook) quickly and efficiently with All My Books.*Download *All
My Books 3.0 Build 1200* in Softonic