Friday, March 9, 2012

AnyBizSoft PDF to Word 3.5.0-Painlessly convert PDF to Word

PDF is a handy format to share documents across the Internet. It keeps the
original document layout no matter what operating system or software you use.
But what if you need to work with Microsoft Word files? The answer is
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word. This efficient tool lets you convert PDF files to
Word while keeping the original layout as much as possible. To be honest,
there may be some slight differences in format, but those are small details
that you can almost definitely cope with. Plus, AnyBizSoft PDF to Word works
with both DOC files from Word 2003, and DOCX from Word 2007. AnyBizSoft PDF
to Word is very easy to use. Simply select the PDF files you want to work
with and click "Convert". You can choose to convert the whole document or
only a selected range of pages, although this function is limited in the
trial version. You can also convert several PDF files in a row, dragging and
dropping to create a prioritized list. *AnyBizSoft PDF to Word lets you
convert PDF documents to DOC or DOCX quickly and easily*Download *AnyBizSoft
PDF to Word 3.5.0* in Softonic