*Minecraft Server* is necessary for anyone who wants to set up a multiplayer
game of Minecraft. Playing the epic sandbox game can be lots more fun in
groups, and constructing huge buildings and mines is much easier with help!
*Set up* Like the game, Minecraft Server doesn't come with instructions and
can be challenging for beginners. You can find a tutorial here. In essence
setting up takes four steps: *1.* Download Minecraft Server. *2.* Execute and
configure the server. *3.* Check your Firewall settings. *4.* Open the
Minecraft game client and connect to your server. Once you're up and running,
your friends can join you using your computer's external IP address.
Minecraft will then play as usual, but won't be such a lonely experience! If
you can put the time into setting up Minecraft Server, it can be a lot of
fun. However, compared to most commercial games, it's incredibly complex!
*Performance* The more players you have in Minecraft Server, the more
resources it will consume - if your PC is not very powerful, you may notice
some lag and fan noise!Download *Minecraft Server 1.1* in Softonic