Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Speed Download 5.2.29-One of the most powerful download managers for Mac

If you consider yourself a power downloader, than my suggestion is to get a
proper download manager to handle and sort all those files. Speed Download is
a good solution. Speed Download was embroiled in a little controversy
recently with the MacHeist Community, regarding the upgrade from version 4 to
5. We won't delve into this here though and instead will focus simply on the
application itself. Fitted with a customizable interface similar to that of
iTunes, Speed Download gives you immediate control over all your downloads.
The best way to browse through your content, apart from the search box, is
the left side of the interface. You can view your library elements, servers,
folders and specific searches. To keep the application running but have it
out of the way, simply use the mini-controller. You can schedule downloads
and auto-resume them, both individually or in queue. Speed Download also lets
you share files via FTP with full encryption, and includes .Mac/iDisk/WEBDAV
connectivity. Downloads are generally faster than in a browser and the really
good thing is that you can have them in a separate application, so you can
use your browser simply for visiting web sites. One little issue we have with
Speed Download is that it can use up quite a lot of RAM, so make sure you
don't go download crazy and start looking for hundreds of files. This is why
queuing and organizing downloads is really important. Speed Download is the
perfect application for any download junky, thanks to advanced downloading
features and a well designed interface.Download *Speed Download 5.2.29* in