Friday, November 11, 2011

MP3 Quality Modifier 2.2-Save space on your MP3 player by modifying bitrate

Ever wish you could *fit more music on your portable MP3 player*? If so, *MP3
Quality Modifier* is the tool for you. MP3 Quality Modifier is a simple,
straightforward tool does exactly what it says it will - reduce the size of
your MP3 files without compromising any quality. The trick to this is
modifying the file's *bitrate* - from 10 to 310 - so you can choose the
option that best suits your purposes. This can be manually tweaked, or you
can just use one of the *5 presets* included in MP3 Quality Modifier. MP3
Quality Modifier doesn't require installation and is easy to use - even for
the beginner. You can add files or folders, checking and unchecking the files
you want to modify. More advanced users can choose from a variety of
configuration settings. You can leave MP3 Quality Modifier working in the
background, checking its progress from the percentage displayed in the
taskbar and it also offers you the option to shutdown after it's done. *MP3
Quality Modifier is a simple, efficient program that will modify MP1, MP2 and
MP3 files quickly and smoothly.*Download *MP3 Quality Modifier 2.2* in