Watermark Images is an easy-to-use image editor that's been especially
designed to apply personalized watermarks to your photos. The program can
watermark complete folders and subfolders in one click, which comes in handy
when you need to apply a watermark to multiple images, but not so useful if
you're only working with one. After unzipping Watermark Images (no
installation required) you're ready to go. Simply select the folder where
your images are stored and the folder where you want to save the watermarked
images to. You also have the option to resize the images at the same time.
You can choose between image or text watermarks in Watermark Images, and in
both cases you've got a few customization settings: transparency level, size,
angle and position on the image. Plus Watermark Images lets you preview the
result on the first image in the folder before actually applying the
watermark to the rest of them. Watermark Images works generally fine but has
also some issues that prevent it from getting a higher rating. One is the
fact that the preview function doesn't seem to work unless you choose to
resize images besides watermarking them. Another one is a couple of error
messages I got during the test; nothing serious, but annoying anyway. *With
Watermark Images you easily mark photos as your property – and maybe
prevent people from using them without permission.*Download *Watermark Image* in Softonic