*Team Fortress Arcade* is a 2D shooter de-make of Valve's excellent online
multiplayer game, Team Fortress 2. *A de-make not a re-make* Programmer Eric
Ruth has an excellent reputation when it comes to de-makes. With Team
Fortress Arcade he has made a side-scrolling beat em up in the style of
Streets of Rage or Renegade from the 80s. Featuring nine player classes,
Scout, Spy, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Heavy, Demo, Pyro and Soldier, up to
four players can play together on one PC. This means squeezing round one
keyboard, but it's fun. Online multiplayer is slated for a future update.
*Gameplay* Team Fortress Arcade's controls are simple, with four direction
buttons plus a jump and attack. Each of the nine stages features a phase of
atacking robots, ending with a boss battle. These are often pretty tough, but
the game comes with infinite continues, so you will eventually make it
through. The gameplay is simple, even if each class has a different feel to
it. The challenge isn't enourmous, but it's lots of fun and will appeal to
any fans of Team Fortress. *Conclusions* *For retro fans, Team Fortress
Arcade is a treat. Easy to get into, and lots of fun to play. It's not really
deep, but has the pick up and play factor that old arcade games had, meaning
anyone can play.*Download *Team Fortress Arcade* in Softonic