If you want to play *video* or *music* files and not worry about format,
*Portable VLC media player* is the best application for the job. With this
portable app, you can have the powerful *media player* with you anywhere.
Like its big desktop brother, Portable VLC media player is simply the most
stable, flexible and lightweight audio and video player around today. While
other media players will play unusual formats after downloading a codec, or
simply refuse to play things, Portable VLC media player will never complain.
In addition to this, you can also use it to preview files you are
downloading, because it will play parts of files. It takes no time to start
up either, so opening it up to preview something is no trouble at all.
Portable VLC media player has great hotkey support - if you take the time to
learn the shortcuts - so can be controlled without touching your mouse. The
interface is functional, but by no means attractive. If you're watching DVDs
or video files through it, this is not an issue. Regarding music, Portable
VLC media player plays more or less any file and features an equalizer and
playlist creation. It isn't as intuitive as iTunes as a media manager, but
it's a much more flexible player in terms of file formats. For video,
Portable VLC media player is the best application you will find. Its minimal
interface is great for viewing, it's got excellent tools for effects, and
doing things like adding subtitles is easy.Download *Portable VLC media
player 1.1.11* in Softonic