Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NetNewsWire 3.3-Excellent desktop RSS reader for Macs

*NetNewsWire* is a long established RSS reader than many Mac users relied on
before Google Reader came along. It's easy to see why too. NetNewsWire is
free and easy to use and filled with *viewing modes* and feed reading
features that make it feel like a very complete and professional application.
Not only can you *view full screen, in tabs or combined*, but NetNewsWire
also lets you sort items by attention or *create smart lists* to keep your
items organized. The RSS reader previews new items in the interface, which
saves you the hassle of opening up your browser. You can also sort items by
headline column, depending on the date, title and more. NetNewsWire also
integrates perfectly with programs such as *Spotlight, iCal and iPhoto* and
allows you to post items to * and Digg*. Perhaps most importantly
for many, you can also *automatically sync with NetNewsWire with Google
Reader and your iPhone* meaning you can read feeds from anywhere and not then
duplicate them later when reading on your phone or in Google Reader. Although
there are no add-ons as such for NetNewsWire, it can be extended very easily
using scripts although this obviously requires a certain amount of scripting
knowledge. Most of the time, NetNewsWire works smoothly, however if you're
following a large amount of feeds, it can take some time to load them up.
*NetNewsWire is an excellent desktop RSS reader with multiple viewing modes
and synchronisation with Google Reader.*Download *NetNewsWire 3.3* in