Friday, October 14, 2011

iTunes 10.5 (64 bit)-A more social 64 bit compatible iTunes

*iTunes* is one of the most popular media players and managers, and with good
reason. Seamless integration with *iPods, iPhones and iPads*, one-click
purchasing in the iTunes Store and an excellent library make this a
formidable app. This version is for *64 bit Windows PCs*. With iTunes 10, the
*library* has been improved with an extra view that adds album artwork where
there's room, instead of the traditional album title next to each song.
This smartens up library viewing a lot, and generally underlines the new,
clean look of the interface. It's no revolution, but looks neater. *Playlists
*and *iTunes DJ* are untouched, and managing your library is as easy as ever.
Creating playlists is one of iTunes' strengths, and it's still simpler and
more user-friendly than the competition. *Syncing* iTunes with iPods and
other Apple devices is really easy, and there are no longer problems using
Mac-formatted devices in iTunes for Windows, or vice versa. *Home Sharing *is
a great way to keep your library across multiple computers at home; it is
really easy to set up and means all your computers will automatically have
up-to-date libraries. The biggest change with version 10 is to the iTunes
Store. *Ping*, which is linked to your iTunes account, allows you to create a
personal profile and share your purchases and reviews with friends, and
artists you like. It looks very much like a basic Facebook News Feed or
Twitter, but just about music. At the moment Ping feels underdeveloped. You
can't share your listening habits, like, and manual sharing is
limited to the iTunes Store, not your own library. There's no option to share
what you're listening to right now, which is pretty terrible! Ping will
surely develop and improve very soon. *The basic library function of iTunes
is unparalleled, and syncing with iPods, iPhones and iPads is excellent.
iTunes 10's new social features are interesting, but limited at the
moment.*Download *iTunes 10.5 (64 bit)* in Softonic