There's nothing more annoying with iTunes than the way it prevents you from
copying songs from your iPod into iTunes itself. Fortunately, applications
such as *iRip* (formerly known as *iPodRip*) make this problem a thing of the
past by unlocking your iPod and iPhone so that you can use it as you want.
iRip transfers music from your iPod back to your iTunes Library, allows you
to listen to music directly on your iPod and iPhone (thus saving valuable
disk space) and it supports major formats: i.e. *MP3, AAC, and
Content*. iRip could be particularly useful in a situation where your Mac has
crashed and your iPod remains the only place where you've saved all of your
music. When you start iRip, you're asked if you want to perform a *manual or
automatic transfer* to iTunes. We opted for manual, and you simply select a
track and then click the *'Import' button at the bottom of the interface*.
When the transfer is complete, a green tick appears next to the track. You
can also play songs with the playback controls at the bottom of the iRip
interface. There are very few preferences but in an application as simple as
this, you don't really need any. The only annoying thing with iRip is that a
nag screen floats permanently next to the main screen asking you to register
and telling you that you only have 100 song transfers left. iRip also tends
to occasionally import ratings incorrectly so don't be surprised if some of
your tracks appear downgraded when imported. *Simple to use and very fast,
iRip is definitely up there with Senuti as a powerful unlocking solution for
iPods and iPhones.*Download *iRip (iPodRip) 2.1.3* in Softonic