Speeding up your internet connection is something that all of us try but few
actually achieve. iGetter can greatly improve the speed of your downloads
using segmented (accelerated) downloading. It includes all the regular
features you'd expect from a download manager such as auto resume on broken
downloads, queue filtering by various criteria, scheduling downloads for low
traffic periods, auto redial on broken connections, auto hang-ups, shut downs
on completion and much more. The number of features bundled into this program
is truly staggering but perhaps the most notable is the Site Explorer that
allows you to explore entire webs or FTP sites and find and download the
files you're interested in. When the Site Explorer is used iGetter displays
the web contents rendered in a separate view below the site tree. This makes
the process of exploration very convenient as you see the web page directly
in iGetter as you would with a web browser. When you reach the file or files
you're interested in downloading, you can easily add them to the iGetter
queue. In this way, you can download tons of links in just a few minutes.
*Fast and easy to use, iGetter speeds up downloads and allows you to download
several files at the same time meaning you'll experience quicker downloads
than ever before.*Download *iGetter 2.6.5* in Softonic