*Adobe Flash Player* is an essential plugin for your browser that allows you
to view everything from *video* to *games* and *animation* on the web.
*Essential features* Adobe Flash Player 10 includes a range of interesting
additions and improvements when compared to previous versions. Top of that
list is the inclusion of support for the *H.264 video codec* and the *HE-AAC
audio codec*, which together offer a much richer, *higher-definition picture*
along with *crystal-clear sound*. Introducing these capabilities in Adobe
Flash Player with only slightly reduced performance looks set to trigger
another revolution in web video, as HD movies are already an important
element on YouTube - and they look and sound great! *Problems solved* Apart
from that, Adobe Flash Player 10 irons out some of the problems that previous
versions have suffered from (like security and stability issues), as well
including *support for ActionScript 3.0*. It also makes fantastic 3D graphics
possible. This makes for more dynamic and interesting navigation, games and
interactivity on websites. *Adobe Flash Player 10 represents a leap forward
in terms of quality as well as stability and security. It's therefore a
highly recommended download for all users.*Download *Adobe Flash Player
Firefox, Safari, Opera* in Softonic