Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PES 2012 (Pro Evolution Soccer)-Intelligent, good looking soccer sim

*PES 2012* is the latest version of the popular soccer game for Windows and
consoles. The game makes some significant improvements over PES 2011,
boasting better gameplay and graphics than the previous version. PES 2012 has
everything to prove. The series is currently languishing behind EA's FIFA,
and has a lot of ground to make up to have any hopes of winning this year's
battle of the soccer sims. *What's changed in PES 2012?* Changes in PES 2012
are largely centered around gameplay and team play, allowing players to make
the most of tactical opportunities. Among the changes in PES 2012 are: - New
*AI engine* for a more realistic team play experience - Attackers and
defenders *move as a more cohesive unit*, allowing players to force mistakes
- New *cursor-switching system* allows players to pick a team mate anywhere
on the pitch - Improved *jostling system* and more realistic player
collisions - Other changes including improved *animation*, more *player
styles*, enhanced *lighting effects*, improved *dead ball system*, and more
*How does the new AI system work?* Always known for putting gameplay first,
many of the changes in PES 2012 are to the game's *artificial intelligence*.
Teammates and opponents are designed to act in a more authentic way and be
tougher to beat. Five key areas have been focused on - *overlapping runs*,
*diagonal runs*, *dummy runs*, *zonal defense*, and *zonal marking*. A new
off-the-ball running system in PES 2012 opens up new opportunities and gives
you greater control of your team. Using the right analog stick you can select
an off-the-ball player and make him run while still retaining control of the
player with the ball. The controls for this are fiddly and hard to get used
to but well worth persevering with because it allows you to *find openings*
or *drag defenders* out of position to create space. The *defensive
improvements* in PES 2012 are impressive too, with teams now holding
formation much better when under attack. Defending feels more intelligent.
It's no longer enough just to hold a button down to apply pressure to an
attacker and rob the ball. With PES 2012 you need to make sure you position
the defender in the right place first then time your lunge with precision.
The combination of improved AI of the attacking unit and the susceptibility
of defenders in one-on-ones seems to make it easier to create chances in PES
2012 than previous versions, meaning less low-scoring games than before.
*What else is new in Pro Evo 2012?* As is the norm with ever Pro Evolution
Soccer update, graphics in PES 2012 have been enhanced and the player
likenesses are very authentic in some cases. Animations are slicker and the
game has a very rounded feel which seems smoother than FIFA. This
*pre-release demo* of PES 2012 isn't representative of the final version of
Konami's soccer sim, but it does give you a good feel for the new gameplay
aspects. You should check out the challenge-based *Training* section of the
demo to get hands-on coaching on the new controls within PES 2012. The *setup
screens and tactics configuration* menus in PES 2012 seem more streamlined
than the previous version, which would be a good thing because setting up
your team in Pro Evo can be a notoriously laborious process. We'll have to
wait and see in the final version if these straightforward tactics menus are
retained. If you want a trip back down memory lane and to see how Pro
Evolution Soccer has evolved over the years, you can download demos of most
of the *old versions of PES* on Softonic. Check them out here: - Pro
Evolution Soccer 4 - Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - Pro Evolution Soccer 6 - Pro
Evolution Soccer 2008 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (purchase only) Some people will say that Pro
Evolution has lost ground to FIFA over the last three or four versions. PES
2012 certainly closes the gap on FIFA, though, adding some intelligence to
Pro Evo's trademark arcade gameplay. *With a raft of gameplay and AI
improvements, PES 2012 is shaping up to be an excellent entry in the long
running series.*Download *PES 2012 (Pro Evolution Soccer)* in Softonic