Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Adventures of Shuggy-Retro 2D platformer

*Adventures of Shuggy* is a 2D platforming game with hundreds of levels. If
you're looking for a good story in Adventures of Shuggy, look elsewhere.
While the game doesn't have much of a story, it does have *hundreds of
levels* in a haunted mansion. Your job is to *clear out the ghosts, zombies,
and goblins in each of the rooms* in Shuggy's mansion. Adventures of Shuggy
is more of a puzzle game than a platformer. Yes, you will need to jump around
the level to complete actions but it's more than just about *collecting
jewels*. There will be objects in the way of Shuggy that you have to navigate
around or disable. In an attempt to keep gameplay fresh, Adventures of Shuggy
gives you *special abilities like teleportation, rotation, and time travel*.
What time travel allows you to do is to create a ghost version of yourself to
perform actions while you're doing something else in the level. This adds a
*nice layer of complexity* to Adventures of Shuggy. *Overall, Adventures of
Shuggy is a fun platformer that offers challenging puzzles but its repetitive
gameplay may eventually bore players.*Download *Adventures of Shuggy* in