Monday, July 2, 2012

Sylpheed 3.2-Email and RSS client with many features

Sylpheed is an email client and news reader based on GTK+ GUI toolkit. It's
full of features designed to help you get more from your messages and improve
the speed at which you receive and process news feeds. Although it's designed
for Unix systems, it also works on Windows although the GUI is not exactly
what you might expect from an e-mail client. It's very no thrills with few
graphical attractions but as you would expect from a program designed for
Unix platforms, it's very secure and functional. The program is also
remarkably well-organized, lightweight and supports just about every e-mail
protocol you'll ever need. It's also designed for those that need maximum
security because it supports not only the standard SSL protocol but also
GnuPG and TLSv1. In addition, it comes with more standard functions you would
expect such as a powerful filtering and search tool, junk mail control and
external commander that allows you to do away with the mouse for a while. It
doesn't seem to allow you to retrieve mail from other POP3 accounts though
although there is an extensive forum that no doubt, allows you to do this. *A
very secure and highly professional e-mail client that doesn't make it easy
for beginners but will certainly please those that need high security and
work across platforms.*Download *Sylpheed 3.2* in Softonic