Thursday, July 5, 2012

Battery Optimizer Optimizer

Battery Optimizer is designed to fix a problem that plagues most people,
short laptop battery life. Most other applications just help you manage when
your computer goes to sleep. Battery Optimizer goes several steps further and
actually tells you how much battery life you can save by turning un-needed
features of your laptop off. Giving you those extra minutes you need to save
that document or get to the next level in your game.Indication of your
battery status, wear level, charge level, conusmption rate and more.Displays
the Health Status of the Battery Express and Comprehensive Scanning Modes
Advanced, Real-Time Monitoring of Battery Charge level and Consumption rate
Easy to Apply, Custom Profiles for Battery Optimization Battery Usage
AlertsIdeal for those looking to: Optimize their laptop's battery life Get
the max. battery backup time possible Use custom, power saving profiles
Monitor the status and condition of the batteryDownload *Battery Optimizer* in Softonic