Friday, June 15, 2012

Wikipedia Metro App online encyclopedia access

*Wikipedia* is the most popular free encyclopedia online, and now it's
available on Windows 8 as a Metro app. Wikipedia is a user-edited website
that contains literally millions of pages about virtually any subject under
the sun. Now you can access the site directly through the Wikipedia Metro app
to search for whatever topics suit your current whims. The Wikipedia app's
interface is just about as simple as the website itself. You can *search by
topic* via a search bar, or else click through highlighted links in the text
that you're already reading on a current subject. Wikipedia's Metro app uses
the same basic color scheme as the website, meaning *articles are easy to
browse and read*. In addition, you can *pin articles for later reading*, as
well as *share articles to other Metro applications*. Wikipedia also has
support for articles in different languages. *Wikipedia has nice integration
with Metro, as well as all the great information you want about any topic of
your choosing.*Download *Wikipedia Metro App* in Softonic