Wednesday, May 16, 2012

AkelPad 4.6.5-Notepad with windows, plugins and more

AkelPad is a beefy alternative to Windows Notepad. It's an interesting little
app that provides many practical improvements on the Windows version by
enhancing editorial options. When you install AkelPad, it offers three
possibilities - you can install it as a completely new program, add it to
Windows shell or to completely replace Windows Notepad. AkelPad then does
everything that Notepad can but also includes features such as Multiwindows,
Recent Archives, Shortcuts and Re-open closed document functions. You can
also do simple things like change the color and size of the font and
visualize the documents in various formats with AkelPad. The coolest feature
in AkelPad though is the ability to add plugins. These include syntax
highlighting, auto-completion, script execution, keyboard macros and much
more. Autocomplete is particularly useful as it saves a lot of time typing
documents by predicting what you write beforehand. The latest version has
added more power to AxelPad allowing you to edit files bigger than 64K and it
allows you to preview files before you open them *AxelPad is a great
substitute for notepad although you can get most of these features in an
average word processor.*Download *AkelPad 4.6.5* in Softonic