Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Preview-The epic space saga concluded

*2012 sees the release of Mass Effect 3, the concluding part of Bioware's
superlative action RPG series. Can Shepard save humanity and the galaxy from
the mythical Reapers?* The first Mass Effect took story telling and player
choice to new levels in video gaming, while the second was more accessible
and perfected the third person shooting action. *Mass Effect 3* has a lot to
live up to, but has a fantastic platform to build upon. As well as concluding
the saga, Mass Effect 3 also adds a *multiplayer* mode. This will allow you
to play as different species (Asari, Drell, Krogan, Turian, Salarian and
human) for the first time, in cooperative battles against waves of
increasingly challenging attackers. Your PC will need plenty of free HD
space, and 2GB of ram is the absolute minimum. Mass Effect 3 on PC will
require EA's *Origin* - you won't be able to play it through Steam or on its
own. Check back on *February 14* for our *demo* impressions!Download *Mass
Effect 3 Preview* in Softonic