Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pacifist 3.0-Super versatile compression and extraction tool

One thing I can't help missing from Windows is the amount of decompression
tools available. There are far fewer on Mac, although Pacifist makes up for
that as an application that can handle a huge range of compressed packages
including .pkg, .dmg, .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .pax, and .xar archives.
Most importantly, it gives you full control over which files you want to
unzip, which is useful if you need to install just one file out of a package
instead of the entire package. The most common usage of Pacifist is to
roll-back unsuccessful or problematic updates, especially to QuickTime.
Simply open the package you're having problems with in Pacifist and click on
the Verify button. Pacifist then checks to see whether all files are
installed correctly and have the right permissions. Alternatively, Pacifist
could be handy if an installer isn't functioning correctly and you need to
extract only those files that are essential. It can even open certain
archives via HTTP, which is handy in case you want to download only one file
from a large .zip archive without downloading the whole file. As a final
bonus, Pacifist can also find which installer installed which programs. This
is ideal if you've got a program installed that you have no idea how it got
there. *There's very little to criticize in Pacifist. It's a superbly
versatile and powerful archive tool that may one day be standard in OS
X.*Download *Pacifist 3.0* in Softonic