*World of Tanks* is a massively multiplayer online role playing game
(MMORPG). Buy and collect and develop tanks, then take them into online
battles. Free to play, and lots of fun if you can invest enough time into it!
The basic game is a capture the flag battle, between two teams of tanks.
World of Tanks has six classes of tank, from Light to Heavy and Destroyer
tanks from the USSR, Germany and the USA. Taking part in battles earns you
experience, which you can spend on research to improve your tanks and get new
ones. When you enter a battle, there will be a range of tanks on the field. A
World of Tanks game lasts 15 minutes, unless one side wins before that. Your
game will last as long as you survive - there is no re-spawning in World of
Tanks. If your tank is destroyed, you can leave the game and enter another
with a different tank. You will still gain experience points. This helps to
alleviate the frustration that new players will experience when being blown
up by bigger, more experienced tanks! World of Tanks is a great idea, and for
the most part it's done very well. However, the game is very dry and serious,
and the interface is quite intimidating to begin with. Battles are fun, but
playing against much stronger players can be annoying. If you live in Europe,
you should download the EU version, available here. * With some time
investment, World of Tanks can be a lot of fun. We hope that before the final
release the game is made more accessible to newcomers!*Download *World of
Tanks Beta 0.6.7 US Servers* in Softonic