GTA V, the fifth installment of the immensely popular Grand Theft Auto
series, is the great mystery of the moment. Nobody knows much, except that
there's a GTA V trailer due on the 2nd November 2011. While you're waiting
for more details, though, download this *GTA V Wallpaper*. Until now, we've
heard nothing but rumors about GTA V. Apparently it might use L.A. Noire's
MotionScan technology, while others are suggesting that it will revolutionize
sandbox games. Until we see some evidence though, what's really on the cards
is anyone's guess. Right now, we'll have to make do with this wallpaper - GTA
V Wallpaper shows off the logo of the next GTA on a black background. It's
not much, but it's all we have! *GTA V is a mystery. While you're waiting for
more clues, download this GTA V Wallpaper!*Download *GTA V Wallpaper* in