Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Scrivener 2.1-Excellent editor and project manager for writers

*Scrivener* is a project management and writing tool that aims to make you a
better writer. Scrivener takes you through from idea to final draft. It helps
you outline and structure your ideas, take notes, build storyboards and much
more. There's a handy theme tracker which allows you to track themes using
keywords and it can also help you combine multiple scenes into a single text.
The developers claim that Scrivener is so good that it's been
enthusiastically adopted by best-selling novelists. You can believe it too
because it's clear to see how Scrivener can help you write a book far more
logically and painlessly than trying to write on a blank canvas in Word for
example. The corkboard view in particular is excellent at allowing you to
pinpoint and categorize different scenes for chapters, scenarios, and
concepts. *Although Scrivener takes a bit of getting used to, serious writers
may find that it helps significantly improve the creative writing
process.*Download *Scrivener 2.1* in Softonic