Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Download Manager 3.0.852-Efficiently manage your downloads

*Free Download Manager* is exactly what it says it is - an application that
looks after your downloads, whether direct links, flash video or torrents.
*Do you need it?* Today's browsers actually handle downloads very well,
especially Google's Chrome, but if you're looking for a complete dowload
manager, Free Download Manager might be for you. The interface is pretty
untidy and outdated, with a row of buttons along the top which are not self
explanatory. Below are a series of tabs that let you access the various
download types. *Functions* There are basic downloads, from links you enter,
Flash video downloads from a small selection of popular video sites, torrent
downloads and a few more. Each part is relatively easy to use, and you can
simply drag download links into Free Download Manager's floating drop box.
The application works, but it feels clunky and old fashioned. We would
recommend sticking with your browser's download manager alongside a dedicated
torrent client if you need it. *Overall* Free Download Manager is an
all-in-one app that should cover all your download needs, but fails to
impress in terms of usability or looks.Download *Free Download Manager
3.0.852* in Softonic