*Firefox Portable* is, obviously enough, a portable version of Mozilla's
popular browser. As well as insurance for times when you find yourself in
need of the internet but without a browser, there are plenty of other
occasions on which you might chose to use this portable tool, like if you are
using someone else's computer, or are very short on space. As Firefox
Portable *saves your bookmarks and folders*, it's perfect for work or study
when you are on the move. No need to try to remember where that great
research site is because you bookmarked it at home - all the information you
need is saved in the Firefox Portable file, ready to use no matter where you
are. There's no great mystery to using Firefox Portable. You install it
wherever - maybe on a *flash drive or USB key* for portability - open the
file and use it like you would your normal Firefox. You can browse, bookmark
and do anything you would normally, but the great advantage is that when you
want to go, just take the Firefox Portable file with you and you'll have all
your saved information, but no trace of your presence on the computer you've
been using. *Firefox Portable - perfect portability for a perfect
browser.*Download *Firefox Portable 7.0* in Softonic